Enchanted by The Secret Garden
No picture today. Bought a camera this weekend, but so far I have not succeeded in oploading any photos to my computer. ;-(
Today was a great day! I woke up at 5.45 when the weather seemed good, but when I went to work there was thunder and lightning all around! I ran to the station with my umbrella and didn't get hit by lighting, which made me feel quite happy. Listened to great music in the train and when I arrived at my work, 2,5 hours after I left home, it was raining again! With The Juliana Theory in my portable cd-player and a smile on my face I arrived at the office where things went great and I ate two big pieces of birthday cake, because one of my collegues had become one year older. Walking to the station at the end of the day I had to wait for a bridge and nearly missed my train, and while running to catch it I lost half of the contents of my bag which had opened itself by itself! Luckily I could recover my bread and the notes for my novel and catch the train just in time! In the train I let myself become enchanted by The Secret Garden which is such a wonderful story! Over 2,5 hours after leaving work I arrived home where I am feeling rather tired, but also very happy. ;-)
Will go to sleep early today...
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