Saturday, November 05, 2005

Magical experiences

Good afternoon all you good people! Let me tell you some things that happened to me on my Magical Quest. Sorry that I didn't have time to give you an update earlier. You remember that I left my home and set out on my Quest and met some interesting people and saw some beautiful things? Well, since then I have met more interesting people and seen more beautiful things. However, before I continue I want to show you this beautiful picture I made somewhere on the road. (If you know where I took it, feel free to post it below this entry. ;-) Isn't it wonderful and magical?

I don't think I already told you about my magical experience of last week? You know, I was walking through a lovely neighbourhood with a lot of trees in this town called Hilversum with the Idlewild-cd The remote part on my headphones. The sky was dark grey, leaves were falling and this song called In remote part/Scottish fiction started playing... And then everything fell into place and I felt so happy! It's really hard to explain what exactly it was what I felt, but it was definitively something magic. Have you ever experienced anything like that? A few moments ago I was listening to the same song and it all came back to me.

Right now I'm hearing New Adventures in Hi-Fi by REM. By the way, seeing REM live on a festival in Belgium was another magical experience for me. That was two years ago. One of the best concerts I ever saw. The best is still that by Train, my favorite band, followed by Starsailor, Counting Crows and Natalie Merchant.

But let me tell you about my Magical Quest to make this weblog the most interesting and most fun on the internet. Well, I already found out three things about how to make a weblog a success: 1. you have to have something interesting and fun to say. 2. You have to update it very regularly, like at least once a day. 3. You need a lot of returning visitors.

So far I haven't written many interesting or fun things here. Mostly is just about the things that I do, which are fun to me, but I don't think many people will be interested in it. I know that I have a lot of interesting things to say, but so far I haven't really figured out what it is that I want to say and moreover, I can't seem to find the time to write them down here. And then there's the problem of having no returning visitors. It even seems that I don't have any visitors at all, which is kind of sad if you think about it. (Hey, if you are reading this, please reply to this post, just to let me know you're out there! ;-)

So, I have a lot to work on.

Did I meet interesting people lately? Yes. But I will tell you about them some other time, because I feel hungry now. And of course, there's other things to do. ;-)

By the way, I thought Gangs of New York was rather impressive. Tonight I want to watch another movie, probably Citizen Kane.



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