Tristan Prettyman
It seems kinda strange to have a weblog when no one is reading it. Maybe I should notify my friends that I have one, but somehow I think it's more interesting when people who don't know me are reading it. Maybe I should spam the address on some sites.
Well nevermind. I had planned to buy less cd's, but today I couldn't stop myself listening to Twentythree by Tristan Prettyman when I was in my favorite recordstore. And listening to a beautiful record like this, means buying it immediately. At least, that's the way it works for me. ;-) Twentythree is a lovely cd by a lovely singer/songwriter and it has also a duet with Jason Mraz!
Right now I'm listening to Jason Mraz Live. One of the best records I bougt this year! And after listening to this one, I'm going to watch Gangs of New York. It's a very long movie, so, again, no time to tell you about my adventures.
Which makes me wonder why I have a weblog in the first place. What's the use if you don't have time to write something substantial?????
Let's think about that.
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