Wednesday, October 19, 2005

A quick update

Hi there! Yeah, I know, it's been quite some time. Well, lately, I have been very busy and I also caught a nasty cold which is what you get when you travel too much ;-) So I didn't have time nor energy to tell you of all my adventures. I don't have now either, but in case anyone was wondering what happened to me, I decided to give you a quick update. However, to be honest, last week I didn't find any clue that helped me with my quest. ;-( I can only tell you that last weekend I saw this wonderful movie:

City of angels has two of my all time favorite songs on it's soundtrack (Iris and I know) so I just had to see it. I didn't really know what to expect, but I loved it! I also rewatched Good Will Hunting which is definitely one of my most favorite movies EVER!

And I got some nice new cd's by Will Hoge, Teitur, Dar Williams, The Doors, Lais, Eliza Carthy, The Innocence Mission, Alicia Keys, The Magic Numbers and Lenny Kravitz. I know what you're thinking, but I didn't not have to pay for all of them ;-) Is anyone familiar with the online store Django music? That's without a doubt the best store on the web. That is, if you're into my kind of music!

Don't forget to check!

Sorry for not giving you much interesting stuff today, but I guess you already got used to that. Which is a shame, because I know I could have enough interesting things to write if I could only find the time. ;-)

Well, see ya!


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